The first form of media monitoring was born in 1879, when a Paris newsstand started to group newspaper clippings and subdivide them according to different customers' interests.
A few years later, in 1901, Ignazio Frugiuele founded L'Eco della Stampa in Piazza della Lucina in Rome. His goal was ambitious: to monitor all the national press to deliver to customers only the articles of their interest.
The first clients are artists, poets and writers. After the war there is a change of course, now companies want to monitor their presence in the press.
In a short time, Eco becomes a true institution in the field of communication by sending newspaper postcards to an ever-growing number of customers.
In 1953, Eco Stampa and the main international press-based companies founded FIBEP, the International Federation of Media Intelligence Companies, which now has more than 120 members in more than 60 countries.
At the turn of the '80s and' 90s, we are the first company in Italy to extend monitoring to radio and television broadcasters through the creation of the EcoVideo division.
Despite the progressive emergence of new market players, recognition of the role of industry leaders has consolidated at the gates of 2000 with the introduction of web monitoring, still the largest in the market today.
In 2001, the Media Analysis department was born to provide our customers with the key information that only a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the entire media monitoring can generate.
In 2013, we introduced Social Media Monitoring by developing two different solutions for two different kinds of approach: one focused on quoting monitoring and another structured for monitoring the analysis of the entire digital marketing strategy.
Today we are committed to constantly improve all of our services. The integrated online platform allows our customers to manage every type of media monitoring and analysis in one place, customizing the features and layout to the fullest.